Monday 14 March 2016

Title sequence Drive - Ross

The title sequence for this movie is very interesting, it is almost a given that the movie is about a driver and this is correct. The title sequence does not come on until around 8 minutes into the movie, this is after there has already been scenes from the film. The camera follows him in his car and then pans out and an extreme wide shot is used like a birds eye view of the entire city. This is where the title sequence begins, it's pink almost bubble like writing on the background of clips of the city.

 The given knowledge we get here is first of all the main characters name Ryan Gosling. the camera will here cut to back in his car with an over the shoulder shot whilst the title sequences roll. In the same pink font "Drive" is then given, followed by more character names. This title is very different to that of other movies as I often find the white on black is the most common. The pink is effective and remains the choice of font and colour throughout. In terms on production companies and the associated this title sequence is highly limited, the information given is all about individuals in the title sequence.

There is sound throughout in the form of music, and sound bridges are most certainly used throughout to create effect, the music is continuous. There is also a constant moving background of the film in the background continuing to set the scene.

In the title sequence something interesting is that there is a breakup in the middle, he arrives at a location and the titles stop, he enters a room with a mysterious bag, plants the bag down on the table. and swiftly moves on his way again. The title sequences then resume once more. 

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