Thursday 3 March 2016

Se7en Title Analysis- Sophie Mamoany

The name of this film is Se7en, the name "Se7en" makes the audience wonder what the connection the film has to the number 7. It could represent things like 7 deaths, 7 things gone wrong and using the 7 deadly sins. This suggests the Thriller genre because it's a very vague title, as its just one word. I think this is a good title as it creates confusion for the audience, therefore making them interested to find out what the relevance to the number 7 is. 

The titles that are written appear in a font that resembles handwriting. This fits in with the idea of someone creating a file or investigation, as well as some of the props in the lead up to the title. The colour of the writing is white against a back background, this makes the writing stand out and shows the importance of the number Seven. In the title sequence, the title is flashed on the screen for only a few seconds and then continues showing other things, and props. I think this creates suspense and makes the audience a bit scared by this which makes them intrigued to watch it.

There is a lot of institutional information in this sequence, for example "A film by David Flincher" and "An Arnold Kopelson Production". They have also included the actors, like Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. There is no additional information, I think creates more suspense as the audience doesn't know what's happening.

Whenever the opening has writing, for institutional information and actors it always switches to a black background and white writing, and the writing flashes. I think this shows a thriller because its creating quite a scary feel to the film. There is non-diegetic music, which is high pitched and quite eary, the music plays whist we are shown confusing, creepy imagines of people, writing and notebooks. There is also diegetic sound of water and scraping which also creates a scary, mysterious feel to the film.

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