Friday 4 March 2016

Children of men title analysis- Neve

Children of men title sequence 

The name of the film is 'children of men', This is not a title that sounds like a thriller typically, However the fact that its not children of women suggests that something has happened to all women and men are left to look after kids? This could create interest in the target audience because it is punchy and unclear as to what the film could be about.
figure 1
The title of the film is bold white wide text on a black background the colours work well together because it makes the title clearer to read and see and is classic yet effective. The white writing on black connotes the children are innocent and the black represents evil and darkness. The actors names flicker on the screen to create a disappearing effect.
figure 2
The institutional information shown is the production company,By universal pictures,and actors in the film. The production companies are on a black background and white text this sets apart the production team to the actors as the actors are in front of moving images of a room with lots of information and clues to what the film is about.
figure 3
The moving image tells us the setting of the films, It also gives us snippets of information for the film. There is no information on the date of the film however it looks like the location could be set in poor cities with buildings that were important but now been taken over by people. Some shots look more modern than others (future and past?).
The moving images suggests that there is a national crisis (figure 3) from the use of Mise en scene.
figure 4
There is diegetic sound of people screaming and shouting before we see any images this creates suspense because we are awaiting the image to match to the sound, This also makes us anxious as to whether the image will make us jump. By placing sound before image it makes the audience ask question as to whats happening? and why cant we see it? Once the moving image starts there is loud eerie sound and deep sounds from musical instruments, This creates tensions because the sound is loud and there is no voices. However the musical sounds stops and we are introduced to the sound of fire burning, The moving image is a big pile of burning horses, This also suggests their is a national crisis. The credits and moving image work well together because there is the right amount of information on each shot so we have enough time to read and take in the image and sound. Having the title sequence on the moving image stops the audience from getting bored from plain text this helps maintain there concentration through a period of the film which is not very interesting however there use of Mise en scene, Editing, and Sound, Work well to create a thriller opening.

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