Monday 14 March 2016

Bourne Ultimatum title sequence - Ross

In the Bourne ultimatum the title sequence is a simple white font on a black background. The title sequence comes up as an almost hidden message. The title is then rearranged to show almost a typewriter effect. It gives a military feel and is very typical of the thriller genre. In the opening where the title appears there was actually no institutional information. This information actually follows at the end of the movie as are some names of characters.

 For this particular movie there is no sound, no indication of location and or characters, everything is left very open for interpretation. I believe that this has been done due to this being the first Bourne film to have a different actor, not many clues had been given in the trailer and everyone was sceptical as to what this film will actually be about, this means that the decision to limit the viewer knowledge to only the title was very effective. Overall I feel that as a viewer we didn't actually want more information without knowing it, giving no clues into a sequel of many highly successful movies when there is a large casting change was very effective on the viewer in order to grip them and have them on the edge of their seats.

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