Friday 4 March 2016

The Disappearance of Alice Creed Title Sequence (or lack thereof) Analysis

It appears I have chosen three particularly strange films to analyse the the title sequences for. This film has no text.

I looked through all of it, including a few minutes after the video on moodle ends, which I found on YouTube. There is no text.

Why is this?

This is because the film creates an astonishing level of tension during the first few minutes, and does not want to ruin it by shoving some unrelated text on the screen during the meticulous and methodical level of planning that the characters on screen appear to be doing. Any kind of interruption, visual or not, would ruin the immersion, tension and enigma that the film and music presents. The diegetic sounds are all sharp and concise, without any dialogue. The non-diegetic music is dark and mysterious, and it all falls together seamlessly together with the visuals.

Something this precise and delicate would be completely ruined by anything to break the immersion, and the director knew this.

Having any kind of text will also reveal something about the film, as shown in the last two analyses. This reveals nothing other than what you see happening in front of you and what you hear. No text will come up possibly implying anonymity, rather it lets the viewer fully absorb the intro in front of them.

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