Thursday 3 March 2016

Old Boy Title Analysis - Sophie

The name of this film is Old Boy. In my opinion, the title "old boy" doesn't really connote the meaning of thriller. However, some people could interpret the meaning differently, for example some people could question who this "Old Boy" is and what have they done or what happens to them. 

The opening starts off with odd shapes on the screen which may create confusion and then gradually adds institutional information, here it says "in association with Good Universe" with the O on the left of the page. They included lots of things like "Produced by..." and also includes all of the actors. 

The letters of "Old Boy" slowly came onto the screen one by one and then at the end they dissolved off the screen. The red background may show the meaning of blood and evil. I think the black writing on the red background gives quite a scary sense to the film and makes the audience quite intrigued to watch it. I also think that the dissolving transition from the title sequence to the actual opening itself is really god because it's a very smooth transition. 

The non-diegetic music in the title sequence to this film is very slow and eary, it starts off quietly and then continues to get louder and louder continuing to the first scene. I think this makes the film seem creepy and makes the audience quite intrigued in what happens. 

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