Thursday 3 March 2016

Kill Bill Title Analysis- Sophie

The name if this film is "Kill Bill" I think that it suggests thriller as the work "Kill" suggests that there is violence, blood and evil. This therefore suggests that there is a sense of thriller in the film. I think the title creates suspension as it's a very short title, which makes people question who "Bill" is and what has he got to do with killing. 

The title sequence starts off with a scene of an injured woman, with someone wiping blood and tears from her face, the cloth has the name "Bill" on which created confusion. We then hear non-diegetic sound of a bang and see a splat of blood which cuts us to a black screen with white writing that says "The 4th film by Quentin Tarantino" it then carries on showing a couple of actors, it then has in big, "Kill Bill". 

The writing for all of the institutional information is all in the middle of the screen. The font is quite big and in creases in size for the title, however it then reduces in size as it continues listing actors. I think this is showing the importance of the tile. 

The background of this is black and the writing is bold and white, I think it makes it stand out more, which creates tension, therefore the audience are more interested in seeing the film. I think that they put the title and then have all the actors names appear because they wanted to create the tension as it's quite slow pace and creepy non-diegetic music, so the audience want to see what is going to happen.

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