Friday 4 March 2016

Silence of the lambs title analysis-Neve

silence of the lambs film title analysis

figure 1                            
The film is called 'the silence of the lambs' the title suggests it is a thriller because the connotation of 'silence' is death as that's the only time there is complete silence it is also unusual that 'lambs' are silent unless they are dead, The title suggests that there is death in the film through silencing something. The title creates interest because it is a fairly odd title and doesn't tell us much other than possibly death. The background is of a wood with lots of grass and trees, The fade and tilt transitions accompanying it make the shot have a feel of time passing by. The institutional information is the company the film is presented by,Names of producers or directors? (it doesn't say) The background is of the green ground with tree trunk veining around underground, The text is white on a dark background, In the center easy to read. There is non diegetic music and sounds of quiet wildlife as well, The sound creates a feeling severity and suspense it also sounds like trumpets from old films.                            

figure 2
figure 3
There are a few more fade shots till the scene changes to a white background with animal nests this gives us a sense of darkness and is a bit creepy, The dirty nests are lying next to dead twigs,The text is black on a white background, The font is a plain font however the text is bold and has a lining effect. 'Lamb' is an innocent animal however the use of it in this title suggests that it is a dark film because only horrible people would hurt or kill lambs, This could forshadow that the film is about a mentally ill person. The creatures in the background are shedding there skin this forshadowing what happens in the film the swapping of skins. There is no evidence of what year this was set in however the editing suggests that it was set in modern day when the film was produced, The lighting is dingy and shot in a low key lighting which also suggests it is a creepy thriller.

The institutional information is the producers directors, Who it was presented by and the actors, By showing the audience the company it advertises and showing the actors lets the audience know that the actors in it are ones they like.

figure 4
figure 5

The background changes back to the woods where we see the title appear in the sky between trees this contrasts with the rest of the sequence because this scene is brighter and in daylight whereas the others are dark and dingy. The title is in a plain black font and is quiet small.

figure 6

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