Monday 7 March 2016

Makeup evaluation- Neve Walder

Tom makeup F1
 Makeup evaluation

 Tom Soulsby makeup - main character
For the first half of filming this was how I did the makeup, In used red lip liner around the eyes and smudged it to make it look like he was ill and had recently done drugs. I used a pale foundation that was a little bit lighter than his skin tone, To create the shiny look I used vaselene petroleum jelly and used a flat brush to dab it all over his face, He also has dark rimmed eyes I created this by using a contouring kit. I prefer the second makeup look, I
think the light complements it to as it was dark with high key lighting on his face highlighting the dark and shiny areas.

Dom our murdered character 
 For this character I needed him to look dead, So I used a paler foundation however the foundation didn't show up much or highlight his skin as he was slightly more tanned than tom, so i changed my plan and made darker circles around his eyes and contoured his face to make the skin appear darker in some places making his skin as a whole look lighter. I used fake blood around the cut (fake) on his neck and coming out his nose and mouth,
I'm pleased with how the makeup went, especially makeup 2 as the makeup really looks like he is a drug addict and mentally ill.
Doms makeup F3

Makeup 2 F2

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