Thursday 3 March 2016

Shutter island title analysis- Neve Walder

Shutter Island 
The name of the film is 'shutter island', The title suggests it is a thriller because an 'island' is a large or small area that has connotations of being quiet and relaxing however there are many connotations that suggest an island is a reclusive place where people can get lost and killed from the loss of food,water, and other resources. The sequence suggests it is a thriller because of the non diegetic eerie sounds, This goes along with the creepy looking setting and creates the feeling the film is shot somewhere dangerous. the first shot is mid/long shot of an old room which looks like a corridor with prison cells, we can see that the room is old because the room is made completely out of bricks and metal bars, it also looks like it might be underground and a bit wet. The credits are dark red and in a bold font and capital letters it say 'a film by Martin Scorsese' the font being red connotes danger and blood perhaps death?
There is a fade to a shot of stair cases spining in a mid/close up this creates disorientation and connotes that the film may be fast pace and dangerous. The credits are to the producers and directors of the film and the text is red on black.
The target audience is men and women of 16+, The target audience is'nt that clear because the use of images and sounds and the actors chosen are liked by many people . However it does create interest and anticipation because of the eerie sounds and dingy shots for those who are interested in thriller movies.
              The title creates a meaning of danger, The connotations of 'shutter' are fast movements and danger of getting shut in somewhere and stuck unable to get out. The text colour is dark red on a footage background connoting blood and death a sense of evil and hurt, the font is  plain yet eye catching due to the use of mise en scene. the old spinning  stairs in the shot disorientates us, this implies that the film could be fast paced and sharp, needing our full attention to understand it. the first few shots are of the dingy cell, this sets the scene and the era that the film is set in.
actors credit 
The institutional information shown is,who the film was by, the directors, producers, Who made the novel it was from, Sound and Music editors, Directors of photography and Actors. This has been included because who the film was by is most likely to be successful therefore viewers see that persons name and trust it will be a good film. It also tells us about how big the film is. By including the actors it may make people watch it more if there favourite actor is in it. 
There is a close up shot of a foot standing on a gun this suggests that the film is about crime and danger. The non diegetic sound with this heightens the effect of suspense and danger, There is a crescendo and decrescendo a few times which builds up tension and real feels creepy, They have done this along with the actors name because it could suggest what the character is like? are they good or bad? This gets the audience asking questions at an early stage. The text stutters as the names disappear to create a creepy feel of danger.
The title sequence does'nt tell us the time period, However the colour of the images and the setting suggest it is an old setting film.
The background and the credit font and position work well together to create an old style creepy title sequence.

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