Thursday 10 March 2016

Analysis of Filming at Butcher's Wood

We had a couple of problems with filming at the wood, one being the condition of the dog which we had planned to appear with a walker.

The day before filming, the dog was injured and had a cast/bandage around her leg, meaning she couldn't walk, and as such we had to improvise with another actor, Amy.

Another issue was the noose itself. the tree needed to be fairly high up to allow for the illusion that it could be used to kill oneself, but we couldn't tie it properly round the branch. The colour of the rope also did not particularly contrast with the sun, and we had a few takes where it was not very visible.

Otherwise, the conditions were fairly good. The sun provided some rather nice natural light, causing "God rays" to appear between the trees and branches. The trees themselves provided a nice location to place a noose and still have pathways for people to walk on in and out of the film.

Another risk that we did not anticipate for was mud. While not particularly dangerous, it could lead to damage of clothing and, perhaps less significantly, contingency issues within the film. Luckily, the path we were on was in acceptable condition.

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