Friday 8 January 2016

The proccess.

Firstly we set up all the necessary accounts. We completed what paperwork came with this, and got down to business. We drafted out some ideas, mapped and planned out what was to follow and begun soon after with the story board.

The story board was a very important, we took to post-it notes for this so we could manoeuvre the shots should we change our minds, We finished the illustration and then marked on how long each shot would take in order to understand how long our filming should be as well.

Moreover, we did some research which helped us to understand what shots are most effective, and also the different filming techniques. This led us to some great examples and we also went over the rules such as the 180 degree rule, in order to check we would have no future issues.

Filming- this is the main part of evaluation for the preliminary task, we had a smooth process for filming, no real issues, we had co-operative actors, and it was overall a successful task.  

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