Monday 11 January 2016

Homework- the usual suspects

In the opening scene from the usual suspects the 4 elements of analysis can be commented on.

Firstly we can look at the camerawork, there is clever use of camerawork, it starts of with a mid shot on the first character, before a tracking shot which also almost looks like a pan. This is effective as it is used when it follows the fire before the fire is put out. The use of camerawork in this opening scene is effective as the mystery of the movie involved is all about the character involved and how he is unknown, this means the camerawork has to be careful to not give away any unplanned clues, subtle hints will however be provided.

Secocndly we can look at sound. In all peices of film sound is very imprortant as it almost sets the scene working with the mise-en-scene. There is both diagetic and non-diagetic sound. the diagetic sound includes dialougue. In this scene it is very important as it shows that we victim of the bullet realises who the unknown man is. The non-diagetic sound creates a frightening effect for the viewer and causes tension.

Moreover, we can look at the mise-en-scene, this includes the setting, the setting in the scene is like an almost warehouse in which there is burning fire constantly in the background. This instantly looks like a dangerous setting and causes the viewer to instantluy understand the terror of the situation. Also both the characters in the scene are wearing full black so its is initially hard to tell the protaganist and the antaganist apart.

Finally we can look at editing, the cuts in this scene are slow and unfrequent so this causes tension between the characters. The editing is very important as it sets the tempo of the scene for the entire start of the fulm, and can have great effect on the overall film as a whole.

Ross Bennett

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