Friday 29 January 2016

Costume (Neve)


Main character (Sam)
For our main characters costume as he is in a mental hospital he will be wearing the usual white gown or pyjamas, With slippers this will suggest to the audience that he is poorly and unable to look after himself due to his illness. We are using the stereotype of the patient gown in a mental hospital because we think it will best suit our story costume like this would be ideal. This will cost us £6.85 and the postage is free.

Dog walker (Ben)
The dog walker will be wearing casual clothes this portrays to the audience that he is a good person, However in the ill mans head he is appearing bad, This makes him seem crazier because he is making up in his head that the walker is bad. Our dog walker will be Allan Gomez we will ask him to wear his normal clothes to fit a dog walker character. As this character doesn't need a particular 'look' we can dress him casually without any extra costs. An outfit like the one shown in the picture would be ideal maybe more casual as he will be in the woods. 

The dead person (Charlie)
The dead character will also be wearing casual clothes however these will be covered in mud and blood we can make the blood following the instructions below And use real mud for the mud. Using blood and mud on our actors clothes suggests that there was a struggle before the murder.
I have embbeded a video on how to create fake blood, I chose this one because the blood looks real and dark unlike some bought fake blood. I can buy the ingredients from Sainsburys. As this fake blood can stain we will make sure that it doesn't get on any of our clothes and make sure that the actors clothes are able to get blood on them (old ones) I can test this with some ingredients i have at home to make sure that the blood looks the way we want it, The actors skin is okay with it, and it wont stain.

1 comment:

  1. Are you pl;annoying on actually filming in a hospital? If so, where is the permission. If not, how would you make any other setting convincing? This needs to really be thought through,

    Where will you source the hospital gown - again there is no detail about this at all anywhere as far as i can see.

    Who is the dog walker? One of your actors? Is it organised?

    How will you cover in blood - where will that come from? Where is your research?

    Overall, this Pre Production stage lacks detail. It is very general and suggests that you have not thought through the minute detail that is required for every scene? There is no evidence yet of any permissions. No detail of anything having been organised - actors, props, setting, costume as so on.

    Most important, i have no clear idea as yet as to what your opening will actually involve -there is no detailed storyboard and no detailed animatic. You can't film until i have seen this. I also need to be convinced that you have organised yourselves.

    At present, this is still level one (it would not pass). However, if you include the detail and organise yourselves and follow the guidelines, you can easily improve. A lot of work is required this week. You need to be meeting outside of calcite if you are to make a success of this.
