Thursday 14 January 2016

Sophie's textual analysis of "Seven"


Mise en Scene

We are introduced to this thriller by an extreme close up of seeing through the middle of a book, in very low key lighting, we can see a silhouette starting to turn a page of the book. We are then quickly shown a black screen with creepy handwriting, we are able to hear spooky low pitch sounds which really spooks the audience out. The editing of this opening is very fast pace because we are quickly moved onto a birds eye view shot of a book laid out, with a drawing of hands on and a shadow. This lighting is very dark, especially on the right hand side, we also see a shadow move across the screen while hearing a creaking sound. This scares the audience and makes them feel very tense.

We are then very quickly shown some extreme close ups of machinery and the non- diegetic music is very creepy while also being able to hear a faint heartbeat in the background. Again, we are quickly cut to a pitch black screen, then we are shown a very bright light, then back to the black screen again. This really confuses the audience because they can't really tell what's going on.

The next shot is an extreme close up of rather dirty finger tips holding a razor blade, we are shown this at different angles. This makes the audience want to ask loads of questions as to who this person is and why they're holding a razorblade. We are again quickly cut to a black screen, the editing creates flashing lights, this makes the audience quite scared as you can hear non-diegetic sound of screaming and heart beats.

The next few cuts we can see different types of machinery, the lighting is quite bright, however it is very fast pace so it's difficult to be able to tell what we are seeing. Once again we see a black screen that occasionally uses editing to flash, however this time it starts flashing the word "Se7en" this creates confusion in the character because they are unsure of what this means, however it clearly has great significance as it is shown several times in this shot.

In the next few shots we see the same hand collect different books and places in one area, this is under low key lighting which makes the ambience of this opening very scary and gives a lot of suspense because the audience doesn't know what's going on. In the next shot we see an open book and a hand writing in it at a close up, it is edited to show time lapse with how much this person has written.

We are then given an extreme close up of the writing in this book, which shows that this book and the writing has significance because are repeatedly seeing it. We are then introduced to a silhouette of a human, with a red filter on it:
Image 1
which makes the audience very unsure about this, and it shows thriller. At the same time as seeing this we can hear a non-diegetic sound of the heart beat which is increasing in pace and increasing in volume. The audience are then confused again by seeing yet another black screen, this time with more flashes and what looks like scratches on the black screen. The opening then begins to show us close ups of the same hand cutting up strips of film, and other photos. We continue hearing the non-diegetic music, which begins to make the audience feel quite nervous especially as we still don't have many ideas about what this particular person is doing.

We are then shown different shots of the same character sticking pictures into the book we were shown previously, this creates a lot of confusion as we still aren't sure about what this character is planning. We are also shown a close up of the word "god" being cut out, this causes the audience to want to ask more questions. The next scene is where we get shown a page of writing, this scene has bright lighting, however we also see a shadow of a hand with a pen moving the page over. This is in quite slow motion, which makes the audience wonder what's so important on the page. 
Image 2
We then see more black screens, and they are edited so that they are flashing faster. We also begin to see shots of the same hand highlighting and circling certain words, this may make the audience very confused and start to think that he's planning something. This part is edited so that we see a time lapse and we see a shadow of the same movements that the character is doing.

In one scene, the character has a picture of a boy and then crosses out the eyes, followed by crossing out the rest of his face and the screen is then edited to go red. The colour red makes the audience think of blood, this makes this opening very much thriller like, and worries the audience.

The next scenes are close ups of the character putting the book together with the pieces he has collected, a lot of pictures shown that he had collected are very gruesome, with tools in the back of someone's head. As we hear the non-diegetic music increase, it makes the audience get more nervous and the opening becomes more tense.

We are then shown an extreme close up of the characters fingers go across a needle and thread, this makes the audience very confused and wonders what he will do with it. The next scene is where we see him sew up the book pages, and also sew other things together. The pace of the editing keeps increasing and the shots get faster cut, the non-diegetic music also gets faster which makes the audience feel even more nervous and scared as to what's going to happen at the end of the opening.

The last thing we see is the character, again, cutting out something saying 'god' and we hear more non-diegetic music, however someone says "you get me closer to god" this again confuses the audience. I think this is an extremely good thriller opening as it creates a lot of confusion and makes it feel very tense, I am quite inspired by this and may try and include some of the things they have used in my thriller opening.

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