Friday 15 January 2016

Alice Creed - Textual analysis - Ross

The first time we see the characters of this scene they are stealing a van, a white van. Due to different stereotypes of white vans we can typically link them with danger, and also, abducting.
In this scene a lot of close ups are used and also as they are walking through the store they use a low angled shot, in film when you look up at someone it often means they have the higher-archly and gives them a sense of power. You can right away tell these guys are antagonistic, the camerawork later shows a pan around the apartment they have taken over, they rip out all the basic necessities such as a bed and cupboards. There are many cuts in very quick succession, this is as they show them blacking out the apartment. The location goes from a standard apartment to a completely blacked out chamber where we can now assume someone will the locked up as a hostage, the soundproof the walls.
Moreover the editing is fast as it represents time, it shows how quick the process of setup actually happened, it also represents urgency among the events. The location varies through the places of which the items were brought, ranging to the woods where the grave was dug. This adds to the feel of a thriller as it is setting up the movie. From the first 2 minutes alone you can work out exactly what the plot of the movie is, this is effective on the viewer as they begin to setup their own scenarios in their heads and predict what will happen, you can put together your own film and this grips the viewer.

1 comment:

  1. Notice how there is silence when they are preparing the apartment - shots intercut between each character and they are doing the same things. the whole point is to communicate their understanding of each other - they are a team and this is very well planned - they don't even need to speak.

