Thursday 28 January 2016



Red Eyes

Our character will need to have red eyes because of the previous drug use. There are a few ways we can do this: One way is to peel an onion and rub a small piece below the characters eye. Onions produce sun-propanethiat-s-oxide, a chemical irritant that causes the eyes to produce tears and turn red. Another way is to use red and brown make-up to draw around the eyes. We also need to have red marks around the characters neck, we can use brown and red make up to do this too. I will use this video to help me with the red eye make-up:

Aged Skin

Our character will also need slightly aged skin, this is to show the previous drug use as it makes skin age quicker. To do this I will need to get dark coloured powder to change the face shape and certain bits of the face. I got some ideas from this blog:

We will also need our character to be fairly sweaty, which I would use water for. They also need to have a pale face and pale lips, therefore we can use pale foundation for this.    


  1. Images?
    Research evidence?

  2. You have links which is great, it is just better to embed these videos and then show yourselves experimenting. Film this.
