Thursday 14 January 2016

Neves textual analysis of 'zodiac'

Textual analysis of 'Zodiac'

- Sound
- Camerawork
- Editing
Mise en scene
-   Media terms

figure 1 
 We are introduced to the thriller 'Zodiac' firstly through text 'what follows is based on actual case files' this has already made the audience want to pay attention to it, because the thought of it being real makes it even more dangerous. The opening edited sound is of a person singing the tone of the music and voice is thoughtful/romantic. The age of the music implies to us that the thriller is set years ago. the music sets a feeling of comfort and relaxation, and that it could be a romantic scene.

figure 2 (starry night)
       The first picture scene is a fade in circle pan of a starry night in a big city, There are fireworks in the sky. This suggests that it is a special night 4th of July? This forshadows what might happen later on because their is lots of people out on the 4th, Where lots of crime could occur. The lighting is natural night light with the city being lit up by fireworks and street lights.

figure 3 (houses)
There is a p.o.v long shot of a car panning a row of houses along a road, This implies to me that the person in the car is looking for someone are they good or bad? The pace is slow and expresses the feeling that everything is relaxed however the ambience of the scene suggests not.
figure 4 (els)
We see an extreme long shot of a boy walking up to house doors, From  distance he shown to be wearing casual dark clothes, as he gets closer to the car we can see that he is a teen 18/19. He debates with a girl that looks abit older she is wearing a classic style flower dress, she looks smart. They argue about who is driving however he is still not sitting in the vehicle as if to say that he wont go if he cant drive, why would he want to drive so much? Is he taking her somewhere dangerous?
The camera cuts to the girl looking irritably at the boy who is flicking a lighter deciding whether to go or not. The girls body language is awkward which suggests that they are not supposed to be doing what they are doing, There lack of conversation also suggests they are awkward and know little about eachother. there is a few shot reverse shots when they are talking this shows that they are both irritated by the other momentarily, these are also cuts shows there having a debate.
figure 5 (two shot side on)
There is a close up side on shot of both of the characters faces. The female character spots something in the mirror and begins to look panicked by it, Making a decision to go somewhere quieter. There is a glowing low key  light on both of there faces however the light outside is dark low key light this suggests that the characters are in the spotlight. The female panicked reaction to what she sees is unnerving for the audience because we didn't see what she saw this is restricted narration because the whole story is not revealed to us yet.
The light has got darker and all sounds have disappeared apart from the engine of the car, the pace of this thriller is slow and doesn't show any disruption coming due to the calm music and pace of editing, fades and cuts, Slow car driving.
figure 6  (distraction)
The male character notices that her body language has changed and asks her, Her reaction to his question is to seduce him by playing with his collar and neck as a bid to pass of the question and distract him. There is very quiet music in the background however there is still an awkward feeling like someone needs to tell something to the other.

figure 7 (shout)
There is forshadowing into what might happen later on when a group of teenage boys drive past them and set fireworks off, Making both characters very jump and aware of everything going on.

There is an overshoulder shot of the girl in the car with a shocked face that he just shouted at the other boys, however the mood changes to abit more relaxed as she tries to lighten the mood by laughing at him shouting at the boys.
The opening sequence is in chronological order and has linear narrative from the beginning, There is a build up to a disruption and then a new equilibrium. Zodiac also follows the theory of Tzvetan Todorov.

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