Monday 25 January 2016

Anti-social personality disorder research

People with Anti-social personality disorder have a trait of not caring about things or people which makes some of them dangerous. Especially when they have the empathy emotion but don't care about what they are doing (sociopath). They are also fearless, Which makes them able to do anything other humans wouldn't be able to do making them dangerous.

Mental illness research 

Anti social personality disorder (psychopath) - This mental illness in people makes them unable to feel fear or recognise in other people. They also know what they are doing is wrong but still do it and pretend to be sorry. ASPD characters are clever they hide their problem from others to appear normal when in fact they are very calculated individuals. For our film we have decided to go with the story about an ASPD character because we can really show the characters personality and create fear and suspense for our audience through, Mise en scene.

Here are some traits 
- Fearless
- Lack remorse
- No empathy
- Disarming
- Fake charm
- Disregard of rights for others
- Disregard for law and rules
- Tendency to display violent behaviour
- Unable to form relationships of any kind
- Calm
- Charismatic
- Meticulous 
- Organised 
- Calculated in crimes

Our protagonist shows lack of fear, disregard for rules, violent behaviour and does tend to be alone. These don't really show enough for viewers to conclude that he has this disorder, and our film would not be an accurate portrayal of the disorder if we said he had it.


  1. You need to illustrate with imagery aswell.

  2. You also need to relate it to your actual film. Which character will this be? How will it influence your character development?
