Friday 15 January 2016

Drive - Textual analysis - Ross

This scene starts right off with a pan around the room the man was in, this ranges from showing a suspect bag to then a TV. The sound is dialogue and music as well. You can instantly tell by the tone of his voice it is a very important and confidential phone call, the guy we learn to be the driver sets them a time scale and sets the rules of how this operation will go down, the music was carefully chosen to build suspense. Its a piece where there is no climax, just constant beat, this leaves the viewer unsure of what to expect whilst building tension in their minds.
Moreover, another pan is used in the garage, all the typical American muscle cars are being shown as the camera slowly moves along the garage floors.

 The mechanic is talking about how much power he adds and then in almost a sense of irony the camera stops in front of a car which is then described as the most common car in America. It is at this point we can put the pieces together as to what this man does.
The location of this is a big city in America, there is use of a extreme long shot/wide shot showing the city as a whole, it is like most heists, carried out at night, this adds to the tension as we typically condone night with danger.

 When he first jumps in the car after the pan of the apartment there is an over the shoulder shot so we can see as if we are part of what is going on here. Due to the name of the film being 'Drive' and the man we have met clearly being the driver we would assume he to be the protagonist, However he is assisting criminals, we can tell they are criminals due to the costume they are wearing etc. Due to the fact we now cannot determine the nature of this character it leaves the film wide open.   

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