Sunday 24 January 2016

First plot idea

First plot idea
Our first plot idea is, A mentally ill man escapes out of hospital and finds himself alone in the woods in the middle of the night, the man with anti social personality disorder has previously killed people. We were inspired by the movie 'Shutter island' where a man is sent to work on a secluded island full of psychopathic people, That manage to escape their hospital rooms. We liked the idea of creating a thriller through a very mentally ill person to create the feeling of darkness and fear. our character will be filmed walking out of the mental asylum and into the woods where it all began. we will create flashbacks and a distorted/disorientaion effect to make the audience feel as if they are the character

1 comment:

  1. If they have escaped - do they need costume - hospital gowns?
    Are we seeing them in hospital? Do you have permission?

    Playing psychopaths needs thinking through
