Friday 8 January 2016

Location and setup!

For the setup we took a couple of precautions, we had to ensure the location we picked would not only be suitable but also available at the times we needed.

We took the time of a double lesson to film, this was because both of our actors were available and we had plenty of time to get the recording and our clips sorted. We took the storyline of our filming into consideration when choosing a location, we specified that we needed a dark room, enough space to have a range of shot lengths, and ensure we would be able use the space for the full 2 hours to avoid packing away until another day.

We took with us a tripod, lighting, and our camera along with our chosen props. We spent the time setting everything up before calling upon our actors. We had already briefed them on their characters, this meant upon arrival we could get started right away.

We chose the location we did as if fit our specification, gave us the opportunities for new ideas, and was available for the day. Due to this we had no rush, we had plenty of time to make sure everything we did was just right.

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