Monday 11 April 2016

question 5- Neve

How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted/addressed our audience in many ways, One of the ways we did was setting and costume, Our thriller was set outside a mental health hospital and in a woods, we thought the use of the mental health hospital was intriguing and as we are in the age bracket we found it interesting and would want to watch a film similar. It was also set in a woods which is also an appealing place for teenagers as its private and has a dark feel to it which is usually appealing to teenagers.

Our target audience is around the teenage years and at this stage their is usually a lot of emotions and thoughts, Some may be similar to our main characters, This was another way of attracting our audience in the hope that they may feel they can or could relate to our thriller.
Many people find mental health interesting, Personally i do and as did the rest of my group therefore we thought it would be appropriate to incorporate mental health at a younger age. Our thriller was influenced by shutter island, who has also attracted its audience through the incorporation of mental health.
Mental health patient shutter island

Our narrative was made to be confusing, We did this through not placing all parts in chronological order, This attracts the audience because they have to pay attention to whats going on. The night to day change could confuse people because it suggests the place took a long time to get to and who runs away in the morning? 

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