Saturday 9 April 2016

Neve's evaluation-question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Gender is one of the  most important social groups we have made apparent in our media product we have incorporated this by the use of characters, mise en scene, mental illness.

  • Through my research into mental health i found that women are more likely to be diagnosed with a mental illness most common being anxiety, however men were statistically proven more likely to commit suicide than women. I found this statistic surprising and was interested in using a male with mental health rather than a women however using males as a mentally ill character is common in most thriller films as it is stereotypically men that are assumed to be more likely to have a mental illness. 
  • All the characters in our thriller are males which follows the fact that men commit more crimes than women (murdering the deceased character). Gender has also been  represented through mise en scene.
Class and Status (lower class/mental health patient)
  • The schizophrenic character is of lower class this implies he may not be able to afford the help he needs
  • Doesn't have a job or had a successful education.
  • Unhealthy relationship with the law
  • Dirty and old clothes (cant afford new ones)
  • Poor morals.
Ability/Disability (Mental health)
  • Our main character has schizophrenia, this is portrayed through his body language and actions
  • Made poor decisions due to illness
  • His mental health controlled his decision kill someone and nearly himself.
  • Inability to look after himself
  • Not knowing right from wrong.

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