Saturday 9 April 2016

question 3-Neve

3. what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The kind of media institution that would distribute our media product is a low budget company.
here are some examples of low budget institutions in Britain 

Film organisations 

  • film 4- are a British TV and film organisation that are low budget and would promote to our audience.

  • BBC film network, are a big institution however they have started to distribute low budget films as well, this would be good for out target audience as they are a bigger organisation and are most likely to get more advertising and a bigger audience.

Other ways of distributing our media product

why would film festivals be a good place to start?
they have a wider audience, lots of people attending them and there could be talent scouts, the audience is likely to be 15+ which is who we would like to target, there are also other audiences that it may appeal to. the good thing with film festivals is people come from all over and come with an open mind to view all sorts of different things, whereas putting it in front of the public that have a certain taste or want to see a certain thing will narrow our audience an example of this would be advertising in a cinema that is showing a Disney film it is the wrong audience who don't want to see low budget films.

Netflix or Love film
 These two distributors are getting more popular each day, Netflix has a range of films, some high budget and some low budget, this would be a really good way to advertise and distribute our media product because our target audience is 15-24 and these people are most likely Netflix fans as it is very popular with teenagers and young adults due to how cheap it is and you can have it on demand in your house. 
Love film is similar to Netflix however its not as popular with our target audience, However as this institution are less popular they are most likely cheaper to distribute with and we will have some of our target audience watching, This would be our second choice out of home viewing films as its not as popular as Netflix and doesn't catch as much of our target audience. however if our film was liked by viewers it may get put onto other institution's like Netflix.

Youtube is a good way for our thriller to get advertised and get a fan base, the fees on Youtube to advertise are cheap and the amount of people from our target audience using Youtube daily is large, this way we will be able to get a fan base and get improvements. however the risk with putting it on Youtube is that it can go unoticed if we don't advertise and have the right amount of viewers.
Overall i think the best place to go first is to film festival that are specifically for our target audience, then expand from there, Second i think would be Netflix, then Youtube and last would be the private companies whilst they would make more money we cannot guarantee they will distribute it and they will be harder to approach as we haven't had much experience in the film industry, I think once we have a fan base and more experience then we should approach bigger companies.

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