Sunday 3 April 2016

Evaluation Question 2-Sophie

Question 2

Our Completed Film Noose-

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our film, we do not have many characters, however the protagonist is our main character who is most relevant to this question.We portray our character with having Schizophrenia, this therefore makes our character almost completely defined by his mental illness. Although, we could also use his age, gender and maybe even class and status to make points about representing particular social groups.

The first time we see the character, he is presented as quite a lower class male, showing his shabbier clothes as he jumps from gate, this could also show the first clue that he could be mentally deranged. The fact that he clearly doesn't have much wealth implies that this could be difficult for him to get a job, especially with this mental illness.

To enhance our characters mental illness, we used Point of View shots to show how the character was viewing things. In these shots we used filters to enhance certain colours and create a very dazed affect. We also used the defocusing filter to show when our character is slightly confused. Another way we tried to portray his illness was through make-up. We wanted to make his eyes look red with bags underneath to show that he was tired and previously took drugs, which is never mentioned in our film. We used a lot of close-up shots to show that this character's make-up and to show more evidence of his mental illness as this is a usual stereotype for 'psychopaths' to have dark circles or eye bags.

Although age isn't much to do with the representation, it shows that a young adult has been able to commit a murder and already been sent to a mental hospital.

The gender plays a big part in our social representation as we found out that 12.5% of men in the UK were diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Although statistics show that woman are more likely to be diagnosed with a mental illness, however, statistics also show that men are more likely to commit suicide. Therefore, we made our character a male as they're stereotypically more likely to have a mental illness.

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