Sunday 3 April 2016

Evaluation Question 3-Sophie

Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our overall media product is a low budget film, as a group we discussed this and in what ways it could be distributed. This film is with the role independent British Film institution, so we would need to be distributed by, for example; StudioCanal and PictureHouse Entertainment. They are both companies that own cinemas to show low budget films and advertise them. 

There are a wide variety of ways to deliver your film to the platforms and markets where it can be viewed and purchased by the public. Movie theatres, cable television, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs on retailer shelves and now online VOD (Video on Demand) platforms, all provide ways for the audience to pay a fair price for entertainment. 

Another way of sharing our film is through social media, things such as Facebook can advertise the product. Also, publishing our film onto youtube or vimeo is a good way of distributing the final product. With our film, we were our own distributors and shared it on YouTube. This is able to gain more views by different audiences sharing it on other social networking sites. The effect all depends on how the audience react. In some cases, people make money off of websites like YouTube through advertising.

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