Sunday 3 April 2016

Evaluation Question 5-Sophie

Question 5  (need to insert screenshots on different computer)

How did you attract/address your audience?


In our film we thought really carefully about how we would attract our audience, and what we would have to do in order to appeal to our audience for them to really enjoy our film. We decided to use the use of character and the dialogue to keep our audience animated in watching our film.

Our film we used the parallel sound editing and having very little dialogue in our film to keep the audience interested in our film. We used this to be able to tell the story to the audience without actually giving a narration on what's happening. We chose to use very little dialogue as it is very commonly used in thriller film, to create suspense and enigma. The most affective part of having no dialogue is where our character imagines the dead person that he has previously killed, it means that the audience has to work out what is actually going on and what had previously happened. We used POV shots to show what was going on through the audiences eyes, which we hoped would make the audience feel suspense and mystery.


We also wanted to attract our audience with using the character, we wanted to make him look like a very obvious mental guy who'd previously been on drugs and had a bad past. We felt like this would make the audience really interested in our character and what he had actually done in his past. For is hair and make-up we used dark red make-up to put beneath his eyes to make him look tired and as if he had done drugs recently. We also made his hair look rather messy, and his costume casual but mess too. His facial expressions were pretty nervous however determined. We did this to make the audience intrigued with our character and what was going to happen in the rest of our film. For our audience feed back, we asked a few people about out film and if they think they would be interested in watching our film, the majority of them said they would however a couple of them said that they wouldn't.

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