Sunday 7 February 2016

Body Language and Facial Expression

Body language - Hospital scene
Angry facial expression
At the hospital scene our main character (Sam's) body language will be angry and confused because he is going through another episode with his illness, He will be walking fast however slightly wobbly out of the building, His body will be stiff this shows his anger building up to another episode. As he has schizophrenia we will incorporate some of the body language that is common to them to create a character that really portrays a schizophrenic person. We will incorporate fast and erratic movements which imply rash and fast decisions from our character. Whilst running his hands will be clenched tight.
Facial expression - Hospital scene 
At the hospital scene Sam's facial expression will be tense and angry looking we can achieve this by a number of facial expressions. When he is walking out of the hospital, He will look concentrated this implies he is set on the task of getting out and into the woods.

                                                       Body language - Butcher's Wood
Angry and confused 
In this scene he will still be tense in his body movements, He will seem confused and angry as he goes through his episode, His hands will be clenching and unclenched at a fast pace this implies his anger is increasing. He will be walking, running, standing throughout this scene, When he is walking he will be walking fast and have a wobbly gate, and when he is running he will seem be turning his head to look behind showing he is scared of whats behind him.

                                                         Facial expression - Butcher's Wood
In this scene his facial expressions will be frowning, squinting, long eye gazes (suggests anger) As he is going through and episode with his illness his facial expressions will be changing quickly showing changes in his emotions as he comes across different things and people.

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