Thursday 3 December 2015

Shot Reverse Shot
Shot Reverse Shot
Shot reverse shot is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other. 

This rule is the basis behind Eyeline Match, another rule where the character's eyes must be looking in the direction that they started at for each scene. If this does not happen, the viewer can get confused, as it looks like the two characters are facing the same direction.

 It is very comparable to the 180 degree rule, which  most of the continuity rules stem from.

1 comment:

  1. Once you have completed your Storyboard, return to this post and insert a relevant example of your own SRS from your film. That would be V good practice indeed.
